You will receive a Spanish degree and a second official degree from the United States

Online Mode

  • Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Emerging Technologies. Awarded by MBTU Business School Madrid.

  • Official Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management awarded by a university in Florida, United States of America.

and an internationally recognized certification

Online Mode

  • Advanced Digital Skills

Master's in Organizational Leadership and Emerging Technologies

Spanish University Diploma

logo MBTU España

Second Degree: Official U.S. Degree

logo MBTU Miami EEUU
imagen razones para estudiar en MBTU España

Reasons to Study

mbtu duración

Master's in

Organizational Leadership and Emerging Technologies

The Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Emerging Technologies is an advanced academic program designed to train leaders with the ability to successfully manage organizations in a dynamic and highly technological business environment.

This program combines fundamental organizational theory with transformational leadership and the latest emerging technological trends, such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain.

The Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Emerging Technologies offers comprehensive training that blends theory and practice to prepare students to lead and transform organizations in the digital age and a constantly changing business world.

Máster en Liderazgo Organizacional y Tecnologías Emergentes

Graduate Profile

Graduates will be leaders capable of inspiring and guiding teams towards achieving strategic goals, fostering innovation and positive change within organizations.

They will be familiar with emerging technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain, and will be able to apply these technologies strategically in the business environment.

They will be competent in designing and implementing leadership development and organizational development programs that promote growth and efficiency within the organization.

They will be promoters of innovation within the organization, identifying opportunities for continuous improvement and adaptation to a constantly changing business environment.

They will be trained to design compensation and reward strategies that motivate and retain key employees.

They will develop effective communication skills, both oral and written, to lead teams and collaborate successfully in a diverse and global business environment.

They will act with integrity and ethics in all business decisions and actions, promoting sustainable and socially responsible business practices.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Master's in Organizational Leadership and Emerging Technologies, with the courses completed in the program, are prepared for a wide variety of leadership and management roles across various sectors. Their profile combines strategic leadership skills with knowledge of emerging technologies, enabling them to perform in key roles that require the ability to lead teams and leverage the latest technological trends. Some employment areas and roles they may consider include:

  • General Director or CEO
  • Human Resources Director
  • Information Technology Manager
  • Digital Projects Manager
  • Rewards and Benefits Director
  • Digital Transformation Strategist
  • Technology and Leadership Consultant
  • Technology Entrepreneurs
  • Technology Educators and Trainers

Mode and Benefits of Being a Student at MBTU Business School Madrid

The mode of study for the Master’s in Organizational Leadership is online. The Business School is equipped with the best educational technology and interactive classes. The benefits of being a student at MBTU Business School Madrid include:


  • We remove geographical and temporal barriers through e-learning, which provides access to a wide range of academic offerings 24/7.
  • All you need is a device with an internet connection, which benefits individuals with mobility issues or those living far from major urban centers.


  • The online learning mode allows you to balance your studies with other daily responsibilities, such as work, family, and leisure time.
  • You can access your study materials from any device and location.

Self-Management of Time

  • Studying online gives you the ability to optimize your time and organize your schedule according to your needs.
  • The virtual platforms are available 24/7, allowing you to decide how much time to dedicate to your studies.


  • Without a physical campus, you can choose your preferred place of study, whether at home, in the library, or even while traveling.

Teaching Quality

  • At MBTU BUSINESS SCHOOL, we uphold the quality standards of in-person education.
  • We have a Faculty Quality Evaluation Program that ensures continuous training and improvement of our instructors, as well as academic excellence at our institution.

Enrichment and Collaboration

  • Through the digital classroom, you can connect with students from around the world.
  • Virtual chats and forums allow you to interact with your peers and professors, exchanging opinions, advice, and study recommendations.

With these advantages, at MBTU BUSINESS SCHOOL we provide accessible, flexible, high-quality, and enriching education that adapts to the needs of our students anywhere in the world.

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Review the programs you will study during your master's in Spain and your second degree from the United States

*Number of Credits: 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

Experience an International Environment

Study in Madrid, Spain for 10 days with international professors and learn about Spanish culture

Certificación reconocida internacionalmente Competencias Digitales Avanzadas modalidad online - mbtu madrid españa

You will learn about:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Data-Driven Management
  • Cloud Computing
  • Blockchain
  • Digital Marketing in the Metaverse
  • Towards a More Sustainable Industry
  • Cybersecurity
imagen Máster en Liderazgo Organizacional y Tecnologías Emergentes - mbtu madrid españa

The certification will be conducted in a hybrid format, with part of it online and another part in-person in Madrid, Spain

Admission Process

  1. Fill out the Admission Form.
  2. Interview with Academic Advisor.
  3. Enrollment Documentation

Financing and Payment Methods

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